Learn to Skate — Fall 1 2015

Learn to Skate Website

Our Fall 1 2015 Learn to Skate Session begins on Monday, September 14th* and runs for 6 weeks.  You can sign up for lessons on either Monday or Thursday nights (or sign up for both and get the second night at 1/2 price!).  As this is our first session of the 2015-16 skating year, each registrant will be required to pay an annual USFSA membership fee of $12.00 in addition to the $72.00 class fee.  Classes run from 6:00 pm – 6:50 pm and include a 20 minute lesson with a 20 minute warm up/practice session either before or after class. The last 10 minutes will be dedicated to creating a group presentation to be given on testing day.

Skaters are divided up by level, with the youngest skaters (5 and under**) in Snowplow Sam and our most advanced in Basic 8.  Skaters who are 6 or older who have not previously taken Learn to Skate Classes will be placed in Basic 1.  Each level has certain skills that must be mastered before moving up to the next. Testing is usually held during the last class of the session, but if a skater shows mastery of the elements before that time, the coaches may ask them to test earlier.  If a skater successfully passes the test they will be given a badge for that level and will be moved up to the next one.

A registration desk will be set up at the door on both September 14th and 17th and will be staffed with volunteers who can answer any questions you might have and help you fill out the paperwork as well.  Be sure to arrive at least 30 minutes early to register and get skates on. Don’t have your own skates? That’s no problem! You can rent them from the arena for $1.00 per class. (reduced rate).

Click on the links below to register online or print out a PDF of the registration form.

Online Registration Learn to Skate

Print Forms


Hope to see you there!

*Pro-rated registration is available for those who sign up after the first week of classes.

**Children ages 5 and under are required to wear a helmet on the ice. (A bicycle helmet is acceptable).

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