We have details for you on the Mt. Pleasant Figure Skating Club Annual Ice Show. The exhibition entitled “AccessorICE” will showcase exciting solo and group figure skating numbers featuring our Learn to Skate, Bridge and Club Programs. The performers will all be stylin’ as they “Skate on the Edge of Fashion.”
The show takes place on March 1, 2015, (Please note the revised date!) at 5:30 pm. A fundraiser for the HATS (Humane Animal Treatment Society) program, the event is FREE to attend, though we do ask that you consider making a donation to our furry friends. You’ll find a wish list of ideas below and at the following link.
MPFSC 2015 Show flyer (2) UPDATED
We’ll be handing out information on costumes for the Learn to Skate skaters on their badges during an upcoming lesson, so keep watch.
If you have any questions feel free to ask in the comments below or talk with someone at the “cart” during LTS.