Skater Code of Conduct

Skater Code of Conduct/Responsibilities

As a member of the Mt. Pleasant Figure Skating Club and USFSA, I promise to conduct myself in an appropriate manner whenever and wherever I am representing my club and the sport of figure skating.

Ice Etiquette

Skating is basically an individual sport and most practice sessions are pretty unstructured. It is important to know that some basic rules must be observed for safety and to ensure that everyone can make effective use of their time. Respect and courtesy must be shown at all times to coaches, ice monitors and fellow skate club members on or off the ice or at any other rink while representing the Mt. Pleasant Figure Skating Club. Maintain a positive attitude and outlook. Help others to see their strengths. Set a good example for other, less experienced skaters.


Drop-in rates for MPFSC ice are to be paid prior to skating. There is a payment drop-box located at the cart. Payments for ice contracts are due as indicated on the contract itself. The club reserves the right to not allow any skater on the ice who has not paid. All skaters must check the sign in sheet prior to entering the ice.

Falls and Injuries

If you fall, get up quickly. Remember other skaters have a much harder time seeing you when you are down on the ice. Don’t stay there any longer than necessary. If you injure yourself, let someone on the ice know as soon as possible. If you see someone else fall and think they may be injured, do not drag him or her off the ice. You might do them more harm. The best thing to do is have someone stand guard over them until a pro or adult can come and help.

Ice Time

You should be on the ice at all times during your session. Be punctual for lesson times and be properly dressed.


The skater, who is ‘on program’, has the right-of-way. Other skaters are expected to give them free maneuvering room. Second in priority are the skaters who are currently in lessons with their coach. Tapes are placed in line to be played. A coach may request the tape of a skater in lesson to be played next, bypassing the others.


Absolutely no eating or chewing of gum on the ice. Water bottles ARE allowed.


Ice is for skating, not for visiting. Do not stand around talking. This wastes expensive ice and is a hazard to other skaters.

Please download, sign and return to MPFSC:


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